



2024-07-16 06:42:57 来源:网络


amazingchia英语手抄报 英语英语手抄报 -
淄川实验中学2018级i lovechina 主题手抄报比赛ilike china英语手抄报英语手抄报淄川实验中学2018级i lovechina 主题手抄报比赛come on china 手抄报评比china in 100 years手抄报优秀作品展淄川实验中学2018级i lovechina 主题手抄报比赛china in 100 years手抄报优秀作品展hii'm from china-还有呢?
deeply covered with white snow, people in southern part still wear their T-shirt. China land is an amazing work carved by nature.


关于美食的英语手抄报 -
Welcome to beautiful China. A foodies paradise. In this amazing country one can enjoy the widest variety of the most delicious food in the world. Enjoy the flavorful Chongqing hotpot and delicious Cantonese cuisine. Don't miss the chance to appreciate the tender Beijing duck, and of好了吧!
Tom:Somefriendsatschooltaughtme. Tina:It'samazingwhatyoukidsarelearninginschoolthesedays. Tom:It'sreallyfun,andit'lllookreallycoolwhenIsetitonfire. Tina:Areyoucrazy?Itcouldburnthehousedown! Tom:Don'tworry.Iwouldn'tburnitinside. 讲解: 1.对话中,Tina下班回到家发现儿子Tom在玩火柴,还想让她帮忙一起还有呢?
植树节英语手抄报内容 -
In China, Arbor Day is on March 12.春天是植树的最好时间。Spring is the prime time for planting trees.植树节英语手抄报内容篇2 The first Arbor Day took place on April 10, 1872 in Nebraska. It was the brainchild of Julius Sterling Morton (1832-1902), a Nebraska journalist 后面会介绍。
7.有关食物的英语手抄报,要英文资料 关于食物的谚语:a piece of cake 小菜一碟hot potato 烫手的山芋put all eggs in one basket 把所以鸡蛋放在一篮子里,比喻风险很大bread and butter 面包和黄油, 比喻谋生的手段the apple of one's eyes 比喻某人最喜欢的。The first one to eat crab.第一个敢说完了。
高分【狼的习性 英语介绍】急急急急! -
A wolf's patience is always amazing, they can be a target for a considerable length of time spent in any way not feel tired. Keen powers of observation, specific objectives, with the tacit understanding, curiosity, attention to detail and patience and perseverance to make the wolf always be希望你能满意。